Since my research involved showing two films to the participants in a different chronological order, so I organised two focus Groups. One on Saturday(22.02.2014) and the other on Sunday(23.02.2014). On Saturday, I planned to show the Gain Framed Film first and then the Loss Framed Film, and on Sunday I showed the Loss Framed first and then the Gain Framed Film. I had invited 6 Participants for each Focus Group.
On Saturday, however, only 4 turned up. I went knocking doors in my student accommodation to find participants. I found 1 student who was available and happily agreed to become a part of my research. As I could only find five people who were available on the day,I decided to carry on with the Focus Group.
I asked them to sign the Participant Consent Form and then told them about Animatics and how it might differ from their viewings of an animation. Then,I showed them an animatic from Despicable 2 as an example. Further, proceeded with asking some general questions. Then I showed them the Gain Framed Film. I asked them several questions around the film. After that the Loss Framed Film was shown and questions were asked around the same. Further, questions were asked around both the films.
On Sunday, 5 turned up. So, I had equal participants on both the days. As mentioned above I showed the films in reverse order.Also, I followed the format as on Saturday.