Monday 2 December 2013

Research Poster

When Jeanette mentioned a Research Poster in the class, instantly, I had the thought of a Hollywood style film poster announcing the release of our short animation film. However, even after much thinking and group meetings we were unable to decide on a story until very recently. It was impossible to make a film poster without any character that might have been in the story. The theme of the film had not been decided either.

Finally,I planned, to make a kind of 3D Poster. As I have mostly been associated with 3D Animation,I thought why not stick a cut out from a second print on top of the first with a thick double sided tape which will elevate some parts of it giving it a 3D look. Then, I researched for related articles and approaches of the psychological theory. I came across quite some interesting facts that I have mentioned in the poster. I even found some excellent photos that portray the evolution of story-telling and even its structure. At last, came the time to assemble all this material.

After a class with Phil,I thought Indesign is not all that difficult. However,it was the unfamiliarity with Mac machines that made the whole experience difficult. After using Mac for a whole day my hands got used to its shift,control and command keys and then in the evening while texturing on my laptop,I kept trying to find the command key. The situation was quite hilarious until I noticed how little time I had till the submissions deadline. 

Posters are ready for printing. All might go according to my plans if I have enough time on my hands.

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