The rendering of the shoes took a lot of time. I hit batch render several times but except the Beauty Pass of all the render layers, all the other passes were pitch black. Two days of trying any permutation and combination that Maya or my peers could offer, I was contemplating of just submitting the file with the Master Beauty only.
Then,Rebecca helped me out in this. She said that she was having the same problem and when she changed her file format from Open Exr to Tiff,it worked. On the first try,my laptop gave up. I had been overworking it for quite some days. Then,even after several tries it just wouldn't render the files. I transferred all the files to our Studio's Computer and then tried rendering again. This time the light settings had some problem. Maya couldn't detect the spotlights that I had set up in the scene. I set up the light again.
Finally,it rendered,this afternoon! Here are some of the passes and final compositing in Photoshop.
Ambient Occlusion
Direct Light
Master Beauty
Final Compositing
The Shoe
Since,there was little time it was easier and faster to composite how Kieran had showed in one of his compositing class.I am still unfamiliar to Nuke keys and nodes. So, as Kieran said Photoshop can still do the trick, I used it.